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ME Racing Report: NASA NE @NJMP Lightning

This is George. George just completed the NASA NE Instructor Clinic and got that nice X stuck next to his car's number board meaning that he can teach people how to have fun. A big part of how George has fun is by being part of the ME Racing generation. Of course the ME Racing generation isn't about age and we are growing a reputation for liking to give back.

We had about 20 instructor candidates join the ranks including Massimo. Collectively they were a great class that was excited to share their love of driving and did it really well through challenging changing conditions. It was sunny during the instructor clinic. Saturday morning brought serious rain to deal with. (My truck tent stayed high and dry throughout the night! All I heard was the gentle white noise while dreaming of the perfect lap.) But, reality does sometimes bite and a heavy rain with the windows down aint't too sweet. Nothing like a challenge to start your instructor career! It dried out for the afternoon on Saturday and go figure - the lap times fell when the temps went up. Sunday was clear and dry, but by Sunday everyone was wiped. Kudos to those that stayed with it until 6 pm and the last session of instructing.

I think we had a half dozen DE1 students move up to DE2. I worked hard drilling the students on threshold braking is so they could be ready to practice it in DE2. To move up drivers need to manage traffic (including giving and taking point-bys for passing) take instruction well, understand the flags and acknowledge them. We really don't worry bout advanced driving technique skills. If they can be quick and safe, and drive respecting the other DE1 folks, then they're ready to go up and practice technique in DE2. Along the way we talk about the difference between threshold and trail braking, what it means to oversteer and understeer, and why the hell you'd apex early, on time (as it were) or late depending on situation.

I know that overcoming impulses is a life long challenge for me and I'm not alone. When our students show up they have a lifetime of questionable driving habits built into their ankles. Feeling the line is not natural but our instructors do an amazing job of re-educating. Eventually the mind overcomes muscle memory and voila, we mint good drivers that can handle the track as well as the highway home.

And hey, the ME Racing generation doesn't just speak German. Oh no, in fact we could care less what the native tongue is...check it!

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